... Iva B. Carter

Iva B. Carter

... Sheila A. Padgett

Sheila A. Padgett


Iva B. Carter and Sheila A. Padgett are founders of Knowledge IS, LLC, which was established based on their personal desire to assist children and families with embracing a holistic lifestyle (mind, body and soul). This vision was inspired by an abundance of love for their children in hopes that they will aspire to pursue their dreams. Their first project is “It’s Time to Start Eating Smart”, which centers on children eating healthy. Carter and Padgett are residents of Tampa, Florida where both are married and mothers of two sons.


Knowledge IS, LLC was formed in 2021 as the unifying entity for children and family projects spearheaded by Iva B. Carter and Sheila A. Padgett who are no strangers to the wonderful world of business ownership. Carter and Padgett initially met in the early 1990s while employed by International Business Machines (IBM) in Tampa, Florida. They became friends on and off the job and individually gave birth to their first child in January of 1996.
As new moms, they always enjoyed reading to Frank III (Iva) and Little Nolan (Sheila), and this excitedly led to them partnering to write their first children’s book in 1997 – 1998. The book was entitled “It’s Time to Start Eating Smart”, and the vegetable-character concept was illustrated by Essex James. This was followed by the birth of another son for both moms – Cameron in 1998 (Sheila) and Zachary in 1999 (Iva).
Although the initial goal was to publish the book, both authors decided to pursue another business venture together and The Perfect Touch Accessories was birthed. Carter and Padgett converted a former home into a boutique to provide a welcoming environment for women to fellowship, pray and shop on the weekends and for special events. It was a very fulfilling venture based on the lives touched, and it continued until Nolan Jr., Frank III, Cameron and Zachary started playing baseball at Belmont Heights Park. Business ownership was joyously replaced by attending sporting events and working as team moms for the next several years (when baseball moved to basketball for Nolan & Cameron and football for Frank III and Zachary).
Now as “Empty Nesters”, God chose the appointed time for “It’s Time to Start Eating Smart” to move from being “on hold” to “rebirthed”. In January 2021, Carter and Padgett were blessed with an illustrator who took their early 1990 vision to the next level. Both are dedicated to making a difference in the lives of others based on a holistic approach that centers on mind, body and soul.
Knowledge IS, LLC wants everyone to remember Knowledge IS key for a healthy mind, body and soul. The company name is representative of its owners since the “I” in the word “IS” represents “Iva”, and the “S” in the word “IS” represents Sheila. Carter and Padgett look forward to leaning and depending on God as He continues to equip them for the journey ahead.